CJRAE Brasov is a regional educational centre with 147 employees, 138 of them being teachers as school counsellors plus speech therapists. CJRAE Brasov is the only employer for every school counseller and speech therapist in Brasov county. Our counselors work in collaboration with the entire school community, they work closely with students to plan their course of studies, to support their school performance, to review progress, to set academic goals, as well as to implement academic interventions.
School counselors communicate with families on an on-going basis to provide updates on student achievement and attendance, as well as to recognize successes. Also they focus on the whole development of students, facilitate social/emotional learning opportunities, connect students to activities and electives based on their interest, build homeschool- community alliances, and provide on-going individualized attention to ensure student success. School counselors facilitate individual and group counseling, as well as crisis intervention counseling as needed. They help students understand their strengths and talents, and how these abilities can be utilized in various college majors and careers,
facilitate school-wide activities, aid students in the college admissions process, and all next steps to their secondary education. As a major point regarding prevention of risky behavior of young people, we have to deal with problems related to motivation to learn, aggression, drugs, bullying etc. We also have a large minority of Roma people in some schools and all the problems they come with because of poverty, lack of interest, lack of parents’ education etc. We deal with depressive and anxiety symptoms, hyperactivity, suicidal ideation and STD’s behavior, lifestyles such as substance abuse, including alcohol, smoking and illegal drugs; we may talk about sleep disorders, nutrition problems and lack of physical activity, excessive Internet use and social interaction on Facebook.
In the Roma communities we try to help these communities strengthen their forces for a better education of the Roma children, with respect for every individual, against structural discrimination and anti-gypsyism.
Our counsellors elaborate educational programs in schools with Roma children for a better understanding of the local Roma community needs, in order to make possible the transition for these children from a dependent life to an autonomous and educated person. We focus wherever it is possible on a better life style, trying to implement the concept of a work life as a goal for most of the Roma children attending school, because we consider it a benefit for the whole Roma community.